Annet Couwenberg
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1986 M.F.A.,Cranbrook Academy of Art Bloomfield Hills, MI
1983 M.F.A., Textile Arts, Syracuse University Syracuse, NY
1974 M.A.T. in Textile Arts and Educational Degree, School for Textiles, “De Windroos,” Rotterdam, The Netherlands
2005 “Revisited: Work by Annet Couwenberg”, Galerie Francoise, Baltimore, MD
2004 “Annet Couwenberg: Ruffled Collar”, Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts”, Wilmington, DE
2003 Annet Couwenberg and Piper Shepard”, 28th Street Studio, New York, NY (two person show)
2000 “Re- addressing Fiber”, Park School Gallery, Brooklandville, MD
1996 “Under Construction: The Work of Annet Couwenberg” City Gallery, Atlanta, GA
2010 “Elongating the Thread”, XL Projects Gallery, Syracuse, NY
2009 “Fashion Ethics: Wear Good”, Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art, Seoul, Korea, catalog
Fax, Contemporary Museum, Baltimore, MD, traveling in USA
“Threads: The Weaving of Stories”, American Textile History Museum, Lowell, MA
“A Complex Weave: Women and Identity in Contemporary Art,” traveling exhibition, catalog
2008 “Durer Was Also Here”, Pan Kunstforum Museum, Emmerich, Germany, catalog
Hausim Park, Kunstverien, Emmerich, Germany
“Pricked: Extreme Embroidery”, Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, Scottsdale,
AZ: Indiana Museum of Art, Indianapolis, IN, (traveling USA)
2007 “Pricked: Extreme Embroidery”, Museum of Arts & Design, New York, NY, catalog
“Radical Lace and Subversive Knitting”, Museum of Arts & Design, New York, NY, catalog
“Hot House: Expanding the Field of Fiber at Cranbrook, 1970 – 2007”, traveling, catalog
2006 “Radical Lace/Subversive Knitting”, Museum of Arts and Design, New York, NY
2005 “Stitched: Craft/Design/Art”, Gspot Gallery, Baltimore, MD
“State of The Art”, Arlington Art Center, Arlington , VA
2004 “The Trawick Prize: Bethesda Contemporary Art Awards”, Bethesda, MD
“Explorations”, Maryland State Arts Council, Baltimore, MD
2003 “Wrestling”, Rosenberg Gallery, Goucher College, Baltimore, MD
“Common Thread”, Memphis College of Art, Memphis, TN
2002 “Bizarre BeeldenBos”, NederlandsTextiel Museum, Tilburg, The Netherlands.
“Les Fables de La Fontaine”, Centre pour l’Artet la Culture, Aix en Provence, France (tour Italy, USA)
2001 “Invented Objects/Imagined Spaces”, Maryland Art Place
“Snapschot”, Contemporary Museum, Baltimore, MD
“Obsession”, Rosenberg Gallery, Goucher College, Baltimore, MD.
“Trunk Show” Zoller Gallery, University Park, P.A
1999 “Embodiment: Fiber Sculpture”, The Arkansas Arts Center Decorative Arts Museum, Little Rock, AK
1997 “A Permeable Edge: Reference B/fiO/guD/reY”, Emerson Gallery, McLean, VA The Delaplaine Visual Arts Center, Frederick, MD
“Hidden Realities, Secret Visions”, Pascal Center for Performing Arts Gallery, Anne Arundel Community College, Arnold, MD
“Transformation: Fiber Orientations”, three person show, Dowd Fine Arts Gallery, Cortland, NY “Material Poetry,” Katherine Nash Gallery, Minneapolis, MN
2005 Surface Design, Summer 2005, “Annet Couwenberg: Ruffled Collar, Delaware Center for Contemporary Arts” by Christine Tate, photograph.
2004 The News Journal, Friday, September 10, 2004, “Annet Couwenberg’s Ruffled Collar is part of Art on the Town loop” by Ryan Cormier, photograph.
The Philadelphia Inquirer, Friday, August 13, 2004, “Ruffled Collar-Deconstructed”, photograph
Art Matters, June 2004, “Delaware Roundup” by R.B. Strauss, photograph
2003 The Washington Post, Thursday, August 28, 2003, “Calling the Honor Roll from MICA’S Summer School”, by Jessica Dawson, photographs
The Sun, Tuesday, September 2, 2003, by Sarah Schaffer, potographs Annet Couwenberg, monograph, Telos Art Publishing 2003, England
La Provence, April 13, 2002 “Ces Gens de la Fontaine”, by SamirHedder
Aix en Dialogue, March 2002, “Les Fables de la Fontaine”, by Jean Francois.
Embroidery, Volume 53, July 2002, “Techno Textiles: Artists using their digits” by Verna Suit.pp 26-30
2001 Surface Design. Fall 2001 “Feminism and Fiber: A History of Art Critisim”, by Jean Robertson pp.39-46 “Crosscurrent 2000: Handle with Care, Loose Threads”, review by Bonnie Holland, pp54-55
City Paper, October 3, 2001, “Master Class, Those that Teach Do”, by Mike Guiliano
2000 Catalog, “Handle With Care, Loose Threads In Fiber”, curatorial statement by Annet Couwenberg
Surface Design, Fall 2000 “Annet Couwenberg: Emblems of Containment” by Susan Isaacs pp.29-35
Surface Design, Jan/Feb 2000, Reviews “Annet Couwenberg’s Art Reconfigured” pp. 56
1999 Sculpture Magazine. October 1999, review” Annet Couwenberg”, by Jan Gardner Broske
Fiberarts Sept/Oct 1999,”Wearing Down Thin; Reconfigurations by Annet Couwenberg”
Sculpture Magazine, Jan. 1998, review “A Permeable Edge: Reference body/figure” by George Howell
Catalog “Embodiment “by Alan Du Bois, Curator of Decorative Arts, The Arkansas Arts Center Decorative Arts Museum.
2009 Maryland State Arts Council Individual Artist Award
2008 MICA traveling grant
2007 Educator of the Year nominee American Craft, Niche Awards
2005 Maryland State Arts Council Individual Artist Award
Faculty Enrichment Grant, MICA
2004 Who‘s Who Among America’s Teachers
2003 Maryland State Arts Council Individual Artist Award
2002 Faculty Enrichment Grant, MICA
2001 Lucas Grant, MICA faculty Development Grant
2000 Maryland State Arts Council Individual Artist Award
MICA Lucas Grant, Faculty Development Grant
2010 CrossLab at Willem de KooningAcademie, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Kant (Lace) Museum, Horst, The Netherlands
2008 Pan Museum, Emmerich, Germany