Kika Nicolela
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2000 BFA Film and Video, University of São Paulo
Solo Exhibition (selection)
2010 Actus, Centro Universitário Maria Antônia, São Paulo, Brazil
2010 Kika Nicolela, curated by Adrianne Little, Atrium Gallery, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, US
2009 Distant Affinities, Titanik Gallery, Turku, Finland
2009 Kika Nicolela: Selected Videos, curated by Jan Kather, Arnot Art Museum, Elmira, US
2007 Windmaker, Sesc Vila Mariana, São Paulo, Brazil
2006 Face a Face, Centro Cultural São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
2004 Flux, Capela do Morumbi, São Paulo, Brazil
Group Exhibition (selection)
2010 This is Uncomfortable: Relational Dissonance in Recent Video, curated by Gabrielle Moser, Gallery TPW, Toronto, Canada
2010 Art Show Cannes, curated by Camilo Carrara, Cannes, France
2010 Caged Bird Sings, curated by Kate Weir, Crypt Gallery, London, UK
2010 RED: The Gendered Color in Frames, curated by Evelin Stermitz, Photon Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2010 Neighbors, Rondo Studios, Graz, Austria
2010 Woman Artists: An Invitational Show, curated by Jan Kather, George Waters Gallery, Elmira, US
2010 Wonderland: ações e paradoxos, curated by Pamela Prado, São Paulo Cultural Center, São Paulo, Brazil
2009 New Filmmakers Series, curated by Randall Scott, Randall Scott Gallery, New York, US
2009 Manipulated Image: the Moving Still, curated by Alysse Stepanian, Santa Fe, US
2009 Infiltration, curated by Dirnei Prates and Nelton Pellenz, Usina Do Gasometro, Porto Alegre, Brazil
2009 Berlin International Directors Lounge, Gallery Scala, Berlin, Germany
2009 37th Contemporary Art Salon of Santo André, Santo André, Brazil
2009 Water Preserves, curated by Jan Kather, State Of The Art Gallery, Ithaca, US
2008 Container Art SP, curated by Cao Guimarães and Lucas Bambozzi, Villa-Lobos Park, Sao Paulo, Brazil
2008 Loop Diverse, curated by Joaquin Barriendos, Galeria Dels Àngels, Barcelona, Spain
2007 Recortar e Colar | Crtl_C + Crtl_V, curated by Juliana Monachesi, Sesc Pompéia, São Paulo, Brazil
2007 Situ/Ação: Videos de Viagem, curated by Paula Alzugaray, Paço Das Artes, São Paulo, Brazil
2007 Space Invaders, curated by Hugo Ares, Gallery 1313, Toronto, Canada
2007 MIX, 3LD Art & Technology Center, New York, US
2006 Situ/Ação: Aspectos do Documentário Contemporâneo, curated by Paula Alzugaray, Vermelho Gallery, São Paulo, Brazil
2006 Videometry Video as a Mesuring Device in Contemporary Brazilian Art, curated by Paula Alzugaray, Galeria Dels Àngels, Barcelona, Spain
2005 Ocupação, Paço das Artes, São Paulo, Brazil
2005 Povos de São Paulo, curated by Iatã Cannabrava, Point Ephémère, Paris, France
2004 Lord Palace Hotel Interventions, curated by Cauê Alves, Juliana Monachesi and Paula Alzugaray, Lord Palace Hotel, São Paulo, Brazil
Award (selection)
2009 Best Videoart, A Corto di Donne Short Film Festival, Naples, Italy
2009 Best Video, One Minute Festival, Brazil
2007 Best Video, Videoformes New Media & Video Art Festival, Clermont-Ferrand, France
2006 Production Grant, São Paulo Arts Council, São Paulo, Brazil
2006 Production Grant, Recife’s Art Week, Recife, Brazil
2006 Best Documentary Feature, Cineport Festival, Lagos, Portugal
2006 Best Feature Film, CineEsquemaNovo Festival de Cinema, Porto Alegre, Brazil
2006 Best Experimental Documentary, Sopot Independent Film Festival, Sopot, Poland
2010 Obras em Construção, Casa das Caldeiras, São Paulo, Brazil
2010 Gyeonggi Creation Center, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
2010 Rondo Studios, Graz, Austria
2009 Sumu Residency, Turku, Finland
2009 Kunst Film Biennale, Cologne, Germany
2007 Supermarket of Art International Biennial, Warsow, Poland
2005 Kunst Film Biennale, Cologne, Germany
Other projects and activities
2008-2010 Curator and coordinator of the Exquisite Corpse Video Project
Participated of over 100 festival screenings in 30 different countries