Nayla Dabaji & Ziad Bitar
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2003 : Master in Fine Arts, ALBA, Beirut-Lebanon
2003 : Multimedia & Audiovisual certificates, ALBA, Beirut-Lebanon
1997-98 : Psychology, USJ, Beirut-Lebanon
2003 : Master in Fine Arts, ALBA, Beirut, Lebanon
1996-97 : Graphic Design, NDU Louayzeh, Lebanon
Solo Exhibition / Open Studio
2009 : Another Member, Austellungzone PROGR, Bern, Switzerland
2008 : What Went Before, Flaxart Studios, Belfast, Northern Ireland
2006 : Who Said That Something Happened, Ssamzie Space, Seoul, Korea
2003 : Latentes communications, Gallery Fennel, Beirut-Lebanon (ND)
Group Exhibition (selected)
2009 : Where Are You? , Townhouse gallery, Cairo, Egypt
2009 : UOWA Flag, Marks Blond Project, Bern, Switzerland
2009 : Wave, Lokal-Int, Biel, Switzerland
2009 : Image Fixe, Mobile, Animée, CCF, Beirut-Lebanon (ND)
2007 : Hate To Leave My Studio, Ssamzie Space, Seoul, Korea
2007 : Anonymous Drawings 5, Bluetenweiss, Berlin, Germany (ZB)
2006 : Nafas Beirut, Espace SD, Beirut-Lebanon (ND)
2002 : Le Message de l’estampe, CCF, Beirut-Lebanon
2002 : International Fair Simaa, Gallery Epreuve d’artiste, Beirut-Lebanon (ND)
2001-2003-2004 : Quand les artistes s’amusent, Gallery Epreuve d’artiste, Beirut-Lebanon (ND)
Award / Grant
2009 : Pro Helvetia
2003 : Egide bursary, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-arts de Paris, France
2003 : Alexi Boutros Award (ND)
2002 : Egide bursary, Ecole Nationale d’art Cergy Paris, France
2010 : Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art & Gyeonggi Creation Center, Seoul, Korea
2009 : PROGR, Bern, Switzerland
2008 : Flaxart Studios, Belfast, Northern Ireland
2006 : Ssamzie Space, Seoul, Korea
Other projects and activities
2003-2006 : Unsigned urban Interventions, Beirut, Lebanon
2006 : Workshop: Travelling Magazine table Project, Insa Art Space, Seoul, Korea
2003 : Workshop: Engraving-Silkscreen, Regard croisés ENSBA-ALBA, Beirut-Lebanon
2003 : Summer Academy with Marwan Kassab Basha, Darat El Funun, Amman, Jordan (ZB)
2002 : Collective In-Situ Work, Khyam, Lebanon
2002 : Seminary: Digital Photography, Louis-Lumière-ALBA, Beirut-Lebanon
2001 : Workshop: Engraving with Alexandro Fernandez Arango, CIEC, Betanzos, Spain