이 완
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2004 ‘동국대학교예술대학미술학부조소전공졸업 / 서울
2016 ‘Lee Wan Solo Exhibition / Discovery section, Art Basel Hong kong, Hong kong
2015 ‘울고 간 새와 울러 올 새의 적막 사이에서 / 313art project, 서울
2014 ‘made in’ / 두산 갤러리, 뉴욕
2014 ‘우리에게, 그리고저들에게 Us and them’ / 사루비아다방, 서울
2013 ‘아아 ,순정’ / 대구시립미술관, 대구
2015 ‘울고 간 새와 울러 올 새의 적막 사이에서 / 313art project, 서울
2014 ‘made in’ / 두산 갤러리, 뉴욕
2014 ‘우리에게, 그리고저들에게 Us and them’ / 사루비아다방, 서울
2013 ‘아아 ,순정’ / 대구시립미술관, 대구
2015 ‘예술과 자유의 측정 / UN 한국대표부 대사관, 뉴욕
2015 ‘New Conjunctions’ / UN , New York, US
2015 ‘Sheres8’ / Galleria Continua, Moulins, France
2014 광주비엔날레 ‘터전을 불태우라’ / 광주비엔날레 전시관, 광주
2014 ‘ART SPECTRUM 2014’ / Leeum삼성미술관, 서울
2015 ‘New Conjunctions’ / UN , New York, US
2015 ‘Sheres8’ / Galleria Continua, Moulins, France
2014 광주비엔날레 ‘터전을 불태우라’ / 광주비엔날레 전시관, 광주
2014 ‘ART SPECTRUM 2014’ / Leeum삼성미술관, 서울
2015 제 26회 김세중 청년조각상 / 김세중 기념사업회, 서울
2014 제 1회 ‘스펙트럼 작가상’ / 삼성미술관 리움, 서울
2014 제 1회 ‘스펙트럼 작가상’ / 삼성미술관 리움, 서울
LVMH 루이비통 재단
서울시립 미술관
LVMH 루이비통 재단
서울시립 미술관
2015 ‘국립 광주 아시아문화전당 창제작센터 1기 레지던시 작가/ 광주
2014 ‘두산레지던시 뉴욕 입주작가 / NY
2014 ‘New zero art space Residency’ ,Yanggon, Myanmar
2014 Salihara Gallery Residency / Jakarta, Indonesia
2014 ‘금천예술공장입주작가’
2013 ‘Absolute space Residency’ , Tainan Taiwan
2013 ‘Jim Tompson art center Residency’ , Bangkok Thailand
2012 ‘ 스페이스캔레지던시’ 입주작가
2011 ‘솔로몬레지던시’입주작가
2010 국립창작스튜디오‘창동스튜디오’입주작가
2014 ‘두산레지던시 뉴욕 입주작가 / NY
2014 ‘New zero art space Residency’ ,Yanggon, Myanmar
2014 Salihara Gallery Residency / Jakarta, Indonesia
2014 ‘금천예술공장입주작가’
2013 ‘Absolute space Residency’ , Tainan Taiwan
2013 ‘Jim Tompson art center Residency’ , Bangkok Thailand
2012 ‘ 스페이스캔레지던시’ 입주작가
2011 ‘솔로몬레지던시’입주작가
2010 국립창작스튜디오‘창동스튜디오’입주작가
DonggukUniversity,B.F.A in Sculpture, Seoul
Solo Exhibitions
2016 Lee wan solo exhibition / Discovery section, Art Basel Hong kong, Hong kong
2015 Silence in between / 313Artproject, Seoul,Korea
2014 Made in / Doosan Gallery / New York
2014 us and Them / Project space SarubiaDabang, Seoul,Korea
2013 Oh, Pure Love / Daegu Art Museum, Daegu,Korea
2015 ‘Art and the Measure of Liberty -The United Nations 70- / Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations, NY, US
2015 ‘New Conjunctions’ / UN , New York, US
2014 Sheres7 / Galleria Continua, Moulins, France
2014 Gwangju Biennale 2014Burning down the House> / Gwangju Biennale, Gwangju, Korea
2014 ‘ART SPECTRUM 2014’ / Leeum, Samsung museum of Art, Seoul,Korea
2015 Silence in between / 313Artproject, Seoul,Korea
2014 Made in / Doosan Gallery / New York
2014 us and Them / Project space SarubiaDabang, Seoul,Korea
2013 Oh, Pure Love / Daegu Art Museum, Daegu,Korea
2015 ‘Art and the Measure of Liberty -The United Nations 70- / Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations, NY, US
2015 ‘New Conjunctions’ / UN , New York, US
2014 Sheres7 / Galleria Continua, Moulins, France
2014 Gwangju Biennale 2014Burning down the House> / Gwangju Biennale, Gwangju, Korea
2014 ‘ART SPECTRUM 2014’ / Leeum, Samsung museum of Art, Seoul,Korea
2015 26st Kim Se-joong Sculpture Award. Seoul,Korea
2014 The 1stSpectrumArtAward/SamsungmuseumLEEUM,Seoul,Korea
2014 The 1stSpectrumArtAward/SamsungmuseumLEEUM,Seoul,Korea
2015 Gwangju Asia Culture center creation (Arts & Creative Technology) / Gwangju,Korea
2014 Doosan Gallery Residency / New York, US
2014 Chang Dong Studio-National Art Studio (Team) / Seoul,Korea
2014 Salihara Gallery Residency / Jakarta, Indonesia
2013 Gum chon Residency / Seoul,Korea
2013 Absolute Space Residency / Tainan, Taiwan
2013 Jim TompsonArtcenter Residency / Bangkok, Thailand
2012 ‘Space Can Artist Residence / Seoul,Korea
2011 ‘SOLOMON Artist Residence & Gallery / Seoul ,Korea
2010 ‘The National Art Studio’ Residence / Chang-Dong , Seoul,Korea
2009~2010’Arko Young Artist Frontier / Arko Art center, Seoul,Korea
2014 Doosan Gallery Residency / New York, US
2014 Chang Dong Studio-National Art Studio (Team) / Seoul,Korea
2014 Salihara Gallery Residency / Jakarta, Indonesia
2013 Gum chon Residency / Seoul,Korea
2013 Absolute Space Residency / Tainan, Taiwan
2013 Jim TompsonArtcenter Residency / Bangkok, Thailand
2012 ‘Space Can Artist Residence / Seoul,Korea
2011 ‘SOLOMON Artist Residence & Gallery / Seoul ,Korea
2010 ‘The National Art Studio’ Residence / Chang-Dong , Seoul,Korea
2009~2010’Arko Young Artist Frontier / Arko Art center, Seoul,Korea