가브리엘 리코 입주결과보고전 《VIVS VIVA》
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전시기간 2016-01-14(목) ~ 2016-01-27(수) 장소 1F 경기창작센터 전시사무동 1층 기획전시실 참여작가 가브리엘 리코 대상 영아 유아 초등 청소년 성인 참가비 무료 -
가브리엘 리코 입주결과보고전 《VIVS VIVA》가브리엘 리코 입주결과보고전 VIS VIVA
2016.01.14 – 2016.01.27
경기창작센터는 1월 14일부터 1월 27일까지 멕시코 입주작가 가브리엘 리코(Gabriel Rico)의 입주결과보고전 를 개최합니다. 는 ‘살아있는 힘(living force),’ 곧 활력을 의미하는 라틴어로, 생명체 고유로 지니고 있는 생명을 향한 힘과 운동에너지를 가리킵니다. 이번 전시에서 작가가 멕시코에서 직접 가져온 골드포일과 경기창작센터 인근 숲에서 수집한 나뭇가지, 그리고 대부도 해변가에서 채취한 흙을 소재로 작업한 조각작품 50점을 선보입니다. 특별히 세종도예원의 이수연 명인과 다섯 명의 전승조교가 협업하여 화병을 만든 도예워크샵을 진행하며 전시를 완성하였습니다. 여러분의 많은 관심과 참석 부탁드립니다.
문의. 경기창작센터 강민지(032-890-4822)
전 시가브리엘 리코 입주결과보고전 VIS VIVA작 가가브리엘 리코일 시2016.01.14 – 2016.01.27장 소경기창작센터 전시사무동 1층 기획전시실As a conclusion of his residence in the Gyeonggi Creation Center the Mexican artist Gabriel Rico create a new installation of his series “VIS VIVA”, this piece is composed by 50 individual sculptures made with gold foil brought from Mexico, some branches from the forest around GCC, collected sand from Daebudo beaches and some clay vases produced in a collaboration with the ceramic workshop “Sejong Doye” of the master/artist Mr. Soo Yeon Lee and 5 apprentices, the piece will be in the exhibition hall “Free Box” inside the GCC. The idea is to create 50 sculptures made from the above materials and through this piece to achieve a connection between this place and the place where I come from and evidence that art has the capacity to communicate to people through forms and feelings, regardless of language. The purpose of this work of art is to show the natural beauty of the local materials and show that with an a good idea is only necessary to consider factors such as the spatial disposal of the 50 elements in this sound installation that I personally consider in the terms of Minimal Art, Land Art and kinetic Art. From this project I want to integrate to this work, materials that I can get in my immediate environment and achieve a communion between the concept and the materials. The title of the piece is written in Latin and means “living force” is a concept used in particle physics to define its natural movement, this term is usually regarded as the duplo of kinetic energy, the intention of this project is to make evidence this natural force as the basis for life and use it as a compositional element in this piece, by the hand of the interaction with living elements, in this case are the public and at the same time consider the erosion of the materials that was used in this art work as important part in the final composition, as a metaphor for the precariousness of life itself . For this sound installation the interaction with the audience is essential to make this piece be come alive, when people walk between the 50 sculptures made with the branches and the gold foil and they going to move by the air left behind the person. This is a piece that invites to contemplation and reflection. I use the repetition of elements as references to prayer and its power to induce a specific mental state. This installation is a continuation of a project he have been working for two years and which has exhibited at two previous occasions, the first was in 2014 in the CAMAC Center of Art, Science and Technology in Marnay Sur Seine in France , at the conclusion of the residence he had in this institution, the second was in early 2015 in the Hotel CondesaDF in Mexico City as part of the parallel activities of the contemporary art fair MACO and this will be the third time in which this project going to be exhibit. I want to thank the 5 apprentices that help me to produce clay vases and to Minji Kang coordinator of planning and execution of this project and all the staff of GCC who supported me to realize this project.
Yoon Mi-yeon
Um Soon-yi
Jung Yeon-su
Lee Geum-hee
Park Jung-wha가브리엘 리코. 아트페어 MACO 프로그램 중 호텔 CondesaDF 설치전경. 2015.가브리엘 리코. 아트페어 MACO 프로그램 중 호텔 CondesaDF 설치전경. 2015. 5가브리엘 리코 작가. “Las Condiciounes,” 프랑스 CAMAC 아트센터. 2014.가브리엘 리코. “Las Condiciounes,” CAMAC 아트센터 설치전경. 2014.가브리엘 리코 세종도예원 협업장면. 2015.가브리엘 리코 세종도예원 협업장면. 2015.
가브리엘 리코 입주결과보고전 《VIVS VIVA》