Simon Morley
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1977-1980 BA Modern History, Mansfield College, Oxford University
1996-1998 MA Fine Art, Goldsmith’s College, London University
One-Person Exhibitions
2010 ‘Messagerie’, Musee des Beaux Arts, Dijon, France
2009 ‘Hitchcock’s Blondes’, Taguchi Fine Art, Tokyo ‘The Rose Annual, 1924’, Art First Project Space, London ‘Cine Italia’, Metis_NL, Amsterdam
2008 ‘Moon Palace’, Paik Hae Young Gallery, Seoul ‘Cine Italia’, Zonca & Zonca, MIlan
2007 ‘A Short History of Dutch Painting, Part II’, Metis-NL, Amsterdam ‘Classic Japanese Movies’, Taguchi Fine Art, Tokyo
2005 ‘Bookpainting’, Fiera del Libro d’Arte, Palazzo del Re, Bologna ‘VIRUS’, Taguchi Fine Art, Tokyo ‘A Short History of Dutch Art’, Metis_NL, Amsterdam ‘Rossa’, Spazia, Bologna ‘Reading Room’ (with Maria Chevska), MOCA Peckham and Peckham Library. London
2004 ‘A Short History of Modern Japanese Fiction (in Translation)’, Taguchi Fine Art, Tokyo Solo Presentation, MiArt, Milan (Percy Miller Gallery)
2003 ‘Post Card’, Percy Miller Gallery, London ‘The Life of Things’, 3 Degrees West Gallery, Wordsworth Trust, Grasmere (Artist-in-Residence exhibition) Gallery, Wordsworth Trust
2002 ‘Italian Holiday’, Zero arte contemporanea, Piacenza, Italy
2000/1 ‘The Collected Works of George Orwell, and Other Paintings’, Percy Miller Gallery, London
Selected Group Exhibitions
2009 Group Exhibition, Uri and Rami Museum, Ashdot Yaacov, Israel
2008 Michael Petry’s ‘Golden Rain’, On the Edge exhibition, Savenger, Norway, European Capital of Culture Exhibition
2006 ‘Les Mots pour le faire’, with Yves Chaudouet and Maria Chevska, Musée Romain Rolland, Clamecy, France
2005 ‘A Picture of Britain’, Tate Britain, London ‘Ex Roma’, Abbey Award Winners Exhibition, APT Gallery, London ‘Lost and Found in Translation’, Newlyn Art Gallery, Newlyn, Cornwall 'Art is a Word', Benefit exhibition for the Museums of Israel, Christie’s, London
2004 ‘Melt’, British School in Rome Gallery Artists, Taguchi Fine Art, Tokyo ‘Compass’, Sala 1, Rome ‘Ancoats Hospital: After L.S. Lowry’, Nunnery Gallery, London ‘The Book Show’, The Wordsworth Trust, Grasmere, Cumbria
2003 ‘The Book Show’, (curator/exhibitor), Nunnery Gallery, London ‘A…parole’, Cortili di Casa Sanna-Meloni, Berchidda, Sardinia, as part of ‘Del Segno, Del Suona e della Parola, PAV ‘The Unfortunate Tourist of Helvellyn and his Faithful Dog’, (exhibition conception, design, and contribution) The Wordsworth Trust, Grasmere, Cumbria ‘The Cover Theory’, Ex-Centrale Electrica, Piacenza, Italy (curated by Mario Sinaldi)
2002 ‘Sumptuous’, Ex Macelli Pubblici, Prato, Italy (curated by Palazzo delle Papesse Centro d’Arte Contemporanea, Siena) ‘L’Ultima Cena’’, Castello del’Ovo, Napoli, Italy (curated by Massimo Sgroi) ‘Fluent: Painting and Words’, Camberwell Art School Gallery, London ‘Red Spy’, Fortezza della Brunella, Aulla, Italy ‘La Forma delle Forme’, Villa Braghieri-Castel, Modena, Italy ‘New Religious Art’, Henry Peacock Gallery, London The Open, Liverpool Biennial, Liverpool ‘Bibliomania’ (edited by Simon Morris), Printed Matter, New York ‘Fabric’ Abbott Hall, Kendal
‘Private Views’, London Print Studio, Herbert Read Gallery, KIAD, Canterbury ‘showhouse’, PM House and Gallery, London ‘East Wing No. 5’, Courtauld Institute, London2001 ‘Artmart’, 291 Gallery, London EAST International, Norwich (selected by Mary Kelly and Peter Wollen) ‘Wax’, Auction in aid of Cancer Research ‘Closer Still’, (Southern Arts Touring Show) Winchester School of Art Artsway, Sway
2000 ‘9,8m/s2’, Zero arte contemporanea, Piacenza, Italy ‘Art Futures’, Contemporary Art Society, Barbican, London Occupation Studios Fund Raiser, Platform Gallery, London ‘The Wreck of Hope’, The Nunnery Gallery, London, (artist/co-curator) ‘Chora’, Abbot Hall, Kendal South Hill Park, Bracknell Hotbath Gallery, Bath
1999 ‘Chora’, 30 Underwood Street Gallery, London (artist/co-curator) ‘Six Young British Artists’, Gallerie Axel Thieme, Darmstadt, Germany ‘The Discerning Eye’ (invited by Charlotte Mullins), Mall Gallery, London ‘Hub’, (curated by Above/Below), Bishopsgate, London ‘Ninenineninetynine’, Anthony Wilkinson Gallery. London ‘Wunderkammer’, 13 Laburnum Lodge, London ‘After Jackson Pollock’, Sali Gia Gallery, London (artist/curator) ‘Networking’. P-House, Tokyo, Japan
1998 ‘A State of Affairs’, Arthur R. Rose, London ‘Cluster Bomb’, Morrison-Judd Gallery, London ‘The Bible of Networking’, Sali Gia Gallery, London ‘Souvenirs’, (curated by Above/Below), Museum Street, London ‘Absolut Secret’, Royal College of Art, London
Public Art Projects
2005 Peckham Library, London in association with MoCA, London Funded by Peckham Council, London
2000 High Street Redevelopment Project, Reading. (Shortlisted Proposal) Commission: Contemporary Art Society, London and Reading Borough Council
1999 Brick Lane, London Commission: Cityside Development
1999 St. George’s Cemetery Garden, Bloomsbury, London (unrealised Commission), Commission: Camden Council/Heritage Lottery Fund
1998 Museum Street, Bloomsbury, London
Commission: Above/Below
2003/04 British Council Travel Award (Japan)
2000 Elephant Trust Grant
1998 London Arts Board Grant
Residencies & Fellowships
2008 Artist in Residence, Paik Hae Young Gallery, Seoul
2005 Artist in Residence, Centre d’Art Contemporain Parc Saint Leger, Pougues-les-Eaux, Burgundy, France
2004 Abbey Fellow in Painting, The British School in Rome
2002/03 Artist-in-Residence, The Wordsworth Trust, Grasmere, Cumbria
Utopia Press (Simon Morley) Publications Exhibition catalogues and Artists’ Books designed by Simon Morley
2007-8 ‘The English Series’. Essay by Gabriel Coxhead Published in collaboration with Art First.
2007 ‘A Short History of Dutch Painting (Part II)’ Essays by Inke van Rijn and Simon Morley Published in collaboration with Metis_NL ‘Simon Morley’s Classic Japanese Movies’ Essays by Simon Pummell and Simon Morley Published in collaboration with Taguchi Fine Art
2005 ‘Rossa’ Essays by Omar Calabrese and Simon Morley Published in association with Galleria Spazia, Bologna ‘Reading Room’ Essays by Michael Petry, Jerzy Kierkuc-Bielinski Published in association with MOCA London
2004 ‘The Book Show’ Essay by Simon Morley Published in association with The Nunnery. London ‘Post Card: Six Messages from the Twentieth Century Published in association with Percy Miller Gallery, London ‘A Short History of Japanese Fiction (in Translation)’ Essay by Jemima Montagu Published in association with Taguchi Fine Art, Tokyo
2003 ‘The Unfortunate Tourist of Helvellyn and his Faithful Dog’ Published in association with The Wordsworth Trust, Grasmere, Cumbria Winner Northern Arts Catalogue Award Shortlisted Art Newspaper Catalogue of the Yaer Award ‘Elegy’, with Jack Mapanje and Robert Woof Published in association with The Wordsworth Trust, Grasmere, Cumbria
2002 ‘Italian Holiday’Essays by Alain de Botton, Neal Brown, Chiara Guidi Published in association with Zero arte contemporanea, Piacenza
1999 ‘Collected Works of George Orwell and other Paintings’ Essays by Simon Morley, Neal Brown Published in association with Percy Miller Gallery
Selected Writings
’The Sublime: Documents in Contemporary Art, (Whitechapel/MIT Press, forthcoming early 2010) Writing on the Wall: Word and Image in Modern Art’, Thames and Hudson and California University Press, (2003) – French translation ‘L’Art Les Mots’ , Hazan (2004) ‘William Scott’, Merrill Holberton/Irish Museum of Modern Art, 1998 ‘Twentieth Century Art Book’, Co-author, Phaidon, 1996
Commentaries on my own Work
Painting the Page, Journal of Visual Art Practice, Spring 2009 The Narratives of Social Space’, Public Art Journal, Vol. 1 No.2 Oct.1999, p.22-23 ‘Writing on the Wall: Words in Modern Art’, The Collected Works of George Orwell, Catalogue, 2000.
Represented by:
Art First (London), Metis_NL, (Amsterdam), Taguchi Fine Art (Tokyo)