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2004 Goldrausch Project – art IT Berlin (goldrausch-kuenstlerinnen)
2000 MA Degree at the Academy of Fine Art Munich
1995-2002 Study of Painting and Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Art Munich in the class of Gerhard Berger, Gülsün Karamustafa, Michaela Melián and Nikolaus Gerhart (Degree: Diploma in Sculptur)
1994-1995 Study at the Central Saint Martin’s College of Art and Design in London/Great Britain (Degree: Advanced Diploma in Printmaking and Photomedia)
1991-1992 Study at the University of Ulster in Belfast/Northern Ireland Faculty: Art and Design (with the Erasmus-Programme)
1989-1993 Study at the Polytechnics of Art and Design in Augsburg (Degree: Diploma in Visual Communication)
2010 Transient Spaces – The Tourist Syndrome -Galerija Meno Parkas, Kaunas in Art Festival, Kaunas/Litauen
2010 Du bist Deutschland – wer bin ich? -Rheinlandhalle Cologne
2010 Gabriele Münter Award Exhibition -Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin
2010 Staging the Border -Arttransponder, Berlin, Berlin
2010 Selected Artist Exhibition -New Society of Fine Arts (NGBK), Berlin
2009 DMZ Botschaft – Shared.Divided.United -Kunstverein (Art Society) Hildesheim
2009 DMZ Botschaft – Shared.Divided.United -der NGBK Berlin (Location: GfKFB Berlin)
2008 Global Immigration Service – (sculpture in public space) Kottbusser Tor, Berlin, supported by Hauptstadtkulturfonds in cooperation with Kunstraum (Art Space) Kreuzberg/Bethanien
2008 Global Immigration Service – (sculpture in public space) Main City Place Bruneck/Italy, Horizonte Bruneck and ParallelEvents Manifesta7
2008 Monster – Menschen, Mörder, Machtmaschinen – Motorenhalle, riesa efau, Dresden
2008 Translation Paradoxes and Misunderstandings – Shedhalle Zürich/Schwitzerland
2008 Quivid: Competition Awards
2005-2008 -Technisches Rathaus, Baureferat Munich
2008 The Unfair Fair – Loto Arte, Rome/Italy
2007 [open] spaces – Society for Actual Art (GAK), Bremen
2006 for example S, F, N, G, L, B, C – Eine Frage der Grenzziehung -, Shedhalle Zürich/Schweiz
2006 This Land is my Land -, New Society for Fine Arts (NGBK) Berlin
2006 On the move -, Verkehrskultur II< Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster
2006 ISBN 3-88960-077-8 -, Kunstraum Munich
2006 Zertifikat Deutsch -, Display-Space for Contemporary Art, Prag/Czeck 2006 INBETWEEN: Stereotype Lesbarkeit -, Galerie der Künstler, BBK Munich and Obb e.V., Munich
2006 Videotheka -, Art Hall Vienna/Austria
2005 Zertifikat Deutsch -, Project Migration German Federal Cultural Foundation, Art Society Cologne
2005 MOV!NG ON: Border Activism – Strategies for Anti-racists Actions -, New Society for Fine Arts (NGBK) Berlin
2005 Videotheka -, Ex-Macelli, officina giovani, Prato/Italy
2005 Xenopolis -, Gallery of the City Hall Munich
2005 globale 05 – the filmfestival on globalcriticism, Berlin
2004 transitwaves – Radio-Installation and Events on physical and electronical public space, Munich (realized through Ortstermine 2004) 2004 Goldrausch
2004 -, schleuser.net – Info Box, Art Space/Bethanien, Berlin
2004 Flexibility -, Only the Minister of Inner Affairs is flexible!, Art Association Wolfsburg
2004 Interventions against Rassism -, Galerie IG Bildende Kunst, Wien/Austria
2004 Work in Progress – What is to do? – (LiftArchiv – Work in Progress), LiftArchiv, Kreisverwaltungsreferat Munich
2004 schleuser.net -, SKC-Art Gallery, Belgrad
2004 Subductive Procedure – Eine Kernbohrung im Betriebssystem Kunst, Bundeskunsthalle Bonn und anschließende Endlagerung im Oberrieder Stollen, Kirchzarten/Freiburg (www.verschluckung.de);
2003 AIR_Port takeOFF 2 – Exhibition -, Forum Stadtpark Graz/Austria
2003 Do we really need a new Antiimperialism? – (LiftArchiv – Antiimperialism), Szuper Gallery, Kreisverwaltungsreferat Munich
2003 Exhibition to the Lothar Späth Award -, Academy of Fine Art Munich
2002 *subject to racist restrictions -,Aspect Gallery Munich – Exchange & Transform (working title) – schleuser.net – Temporare Office, Art Association Munich
2002 Lines of Mobility – Fast Naturalization-Point, Albrecht Dürer Society/Art Association Nuremberg
2002 Right2Fight – Sarah Lawrence College Bronxville, New York/USA
2001 from violence to politics -, Pass-Fix Derry/Londonderry, Incore-Ethnic-Studies-Network, Derry/Londonderry/Nordirland
2001 Pass-Fix Hanover -, Art Space 10, Hanover
2000 The Biggest Game in Town -, Künstlerwerkstatt Lothringerstrasse, Munich
2000 "Since I have blonde hair…!" -, Ring-Gallery, Art Association in Salzburg/Austria realized through -100 days no exhibition-
2000 "Since I have blonde hair…!" -, Odeonsplatz in the Underground Connection-Tunnel realized through -Heimat Kunst-, Munich
2000 Petits fours -, Künstlerwerkstatt Lothringerstrasse, Munich
2000 Temporary Home -, Limmerstr. 45, Hanover
2000 look back/look forward – Waiting to become German, Eisfabrik, Hanover
1999 Art of the Campaign-, Galerie Oberwelt e.V., Stuttgart
1999 Dream City -, Art Association Munich 'No one is illegal' in Coorperation with Michaela Melián
1999 Pass-Fix Munich -, Akademiegalerie, Munich
1999 LOS -, Garden of the Academy of Fine Arts Munich
2006 Curator of 'Dangerous Crossing. The Grammar of Tolerance' in the context of Ortstermine 2006 a programm for art in public space by the City of Munich (with Ralf Homann and Pia Lanzinger)
2004-2005 Initiator and Member of the curatorial Team of the Exhibition-Project 'Mov!ng On: Border Activism – Strategies for Antiracist Actions' in the New Society of Fine Arts (NGBK) Berlin
2009 Working Scholarship by the County Berlin
2009 Scholarship by Kunstfonds Bonn
2009 Scholarship by Erwin and Gisela von Steiner-Foundation
2008 Scholarship by Hauptstadtkulturfonds
2008/City Council Berlin 2007 Travel-Scholarship by the Canadian Art Council to Montreal/Canada
2004 USA Scholarship by the Bavarian Ministry for Science, Research and Art
2003 Artist in Residence (Air_Port Programme), Forum Stadtpark Graz/Austria
2002-04 Scholar of the Heinrich Böll Foundation
2005 Competition Award by – Quivid – Public Art Programme of the City of Munich (Realisation Septembre 2008)
2004 transitwaves – Realisation of the Competition Award through Ortstermine 04
2003 Competition Award of Munich 'Art in Public Space'
2008 Karl-Buchrucker-Award Munich
2002 Lothar Späth – Award by the Foundation of the Art Academy Munich
1999 Academy-Award and Project Scholarship by the Association of the Academy Munich for the group project – LOS –
WS 2003/04 + SS04
Teaching Professional at the Academy of Fine Arts Braunschweig
Teaching Assistent of Gülsün Karamustafa at the International Women's University (ifu) in Hanover and together with Tineke E. Jansen Coordinator of the Project ‚Temporary Home’